Getting ready to quit smoking can be overwhelming – that’s why we’re here to help. We’ve put together a quit smoking checklist to help you prepare for your first day without cigarettes.

  1. Remember why you want to quit.

    Everyone has a reason for quitting smoking. Their “What’s Your Why?” story. Think about your reason. It’s different for everyone but reminding yourself of your “Why?” can help you stay motivated when even the strongest craving hits.

  2. Set your quit date.

    Having a set date is important in keeping you accountable. It will also help prepare you mentally to ditch the cigarettes for good. Tomorrow may be too soon, but don’t wait too long either. We recommend setting your quit date about a month after you officially decide to quit. It gives you enough time to prepare but isn't too far away that you will lose sight of your goal.

    The best quit dates are days that are just like any other. Extraneous factors like a big work presentation or a vacation you've been looking forward to can make quitting that much more difficult. You know yourself best: if holidays are hard for you, pick to quit after. The best time to quit is on your schedule, just so long as you keep yourself accountable for the date you pick.

    Think of it as the date you will look back to and say, "20 years ago today I had my last cigarette!"

  3. Identify your smoking triggers.

    Triggers are the things that make you want to smoke. Each person has different triggers, and they can come from pretty much anywhere. The smell of a cup of coffee in the morning. Driving to work. Having a beer. Stepping out with coworkers after lunch. Anything that usually goes hand-in-hand with a cigarette becomes a learned behavior and can make cravings more intense.

    The best thing to do is to identify what your triggers are upfront, so you can be ready for them. Write down when you typically have cigarettes throughout the day, and you'll start to see patterns. Knowing what triggers your cigarette cravings is crucial to identifying when you are most vulnerable to slipping up.

  4. Choosing an NRT.

    Everyone has different ways of quitting. What works for them might not work for you. Click below to get more guidance on making the decision that fits you best.

  5. Take care of the small stuff.

    Along with the big decisions are the smaller ones that can make a big difference along the way. For example, rid your life of anything smoking-related and clean your car and home to get rid of that smoky smell.

  6. Find quit smoking support.

    Sometimes the decision to quit smoking is just as much about the people you love as it is about you. So don’t be shy about asking friends and family for support during your quit journey. And as always, we’ll be here for you, too.