Out-of-town guests, present shopping, a calendar packed with parties — the holiday season sounds like a lot of fun and is supposed to be a fabulous time, and it can be! But juggling extra social commitments on top of your regular workload and family obligations can also add up to a boatload of stress sometimes. And stressful times, unfortunately, are when cigarette cravings often creep in and win. Not to worry — you’ve got this. You can get through the stress of the holiday season and stay smoke free! Here’s how to power through the most wonderful time of the year without lighting up.

Stay Stress and Smoke-Free This Holiday Season

1. Take a break when things get overwhelming

Be kind to yourself. The holidays are obviously a time of overstimulation, catching up with people you haven’t seen in awhile, and running from one festive activity to the next. In the middle of all the craziness, instead of reaching for a cigarette, give yourself a breather. Whether it’s a 15-minute walk outside while deep breathing or a massage while listening to calming music, slowing down for even just a few minutes should help reboot your mind and refresh your body so you can get through the chaos.

2. Plan accordingly

It may take more effort upfront, but if you look at your calendar and schedule days for shopping, cleaning, and other holiday activities, you’ll be more organized and time-efficient in the long run. This should prevent excess errand running and last-minute scrambling, both stressful situations that can trigger your desire to lean on cigarettes. You have to be realistic about what you have time for — you can’t be everywhere, so say “no” if something seems beyond your bandwidth. And don’t be afraid to ask for help with holiday tasks.

3. Try not to overindulge

Yes, you should have a good time celebrating the holiday season, but don’t undo the good habits you’ve worked to create all year long. This will only cause more stress, which could lead to you reaching for a crutch like cigarettes. Try to get as much sleep as possible and continue to exercise, even if it’s just a quick workout or brisk walk. If you’re in the process of quitting smoking, stay away from the smoking “section” of a gathering.

4. Don’t leave home without Nicorette if you’re trying to quit smoking

Stressful situations are going to arise, so it’s important to have a plan for cigarette cravings. Lean on Nicorette, which provides relief of nicotine withdrawal symptoms you may be experiencing, especially when the going gets tough. Remember to take Nicorette Lozenges in your purse or pocket. When you feel the urge to smoke, you’ll have a solution on hand so you won’t fall off the wagon.

Use these strategies to deal with holiday stress and you’ll be ready to start the new year on a high note — without cigarettes.

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